Does this mean we are allowed to hate Islam now and won’t be jailed for doing so? Given that Mohammed was a pedophile (vol 3, book 47, no 755 among others) and that the Quran permits the rape (008, no 3433) of non Muslim women I’d say that Islam is at fault here and why shouldn’t we say so? Why must we listen to the likes of Starmer, Khan and other Islamophiliacs (our betters apparently) prattle on about Islamophia? An irrational fear? Anyone with the slightest amount of common sense knows to be fearful of Islam since if you criticise it you risk being murdered in the street. As an aside I’m interested to see how many high profile Muslims publicly take the side of the poor young girls in all this as well as criticise their religion. I don’t imagine it will be a high number. We should have paid attention to Christopher Hitchens: “resist it while you still can”. He was right, as usual. I fear it might be too late.
We should shout about this, constantly. And not allow anyone to swear oaths of allegiance on the Koran - which specifically allows any lying in the interests of furthering Islam as a faith.
Excellent piece of writing Paul. All absolutely shocking and all absolutely true. Listening to Starmer he managed to make my heart sink further than I thought possible. He seems to believe genuinely that the problem is us NOT the animals who gang raped and traded young white girls. He is happier accusing Tory MPs and white people like us than the sexually repressed, Muslim men largely of Pakistani origin.
Being inside the teaching profession when this was ongoing and seeing the absolute denial produced this piece! Thanks for your response. I've been told it's too extreme, but the issue is the extremity.
It can’t be too extreme if it’s true can it? None of us like reading about what’s happened and is probably still happening. These animals need to go to jail and be kicked out of the country.
I hope and pray that this will be the end for Starmer and his entire government and hopefully the death of Starmer I have always hated the Muslim religion and the shit it stands for.I think we should bring back the death penalty for these grooming gangs a rope is a lot cheaper than a prison sentence and they cannot escape and do it again.
That’s a good way to write. I, after 20 years working for our government in the area of Child Protection, after rescuing children from muslim child rapists, rescuing Nigerian little girls from illegal FGM in a house, after tracking down pedophile rings for months then executing the plan to bring these monsters to justice. I wasn’t thanked for rescuing literally thousands of children, on the contrary I was spat on, physically assaulted, held hostage. By my bosses I was called racist more than once. I eventually resigned and have written a yet unpublished book I won’t be Silenced, about my experiences, knowledge of uk laws, our changing culture due to woke ideology policies.
Wow - well done for your work and you should feel proud. Good luck getting your book published and please let me know when you do - I'd love to read and review it!
Alice - I am one of the ‘fellow travellers’ too. 35 years at the ‘sharp’ end of. Essentially my job is ‘tick the box - but ask no questions’ - if you do ask questions you will be hung out to dry on some ‘professional issue’ News headlines just feed the ‘manager grip’ “see what we will do to you if you dare question us”
Does this mean we are allowed to hate Islam now and won’t be jailed for doing so? Given that Mohammed was a pedophile (vol 3, book 47, no 755 among others) and that the Quran permits the rape (008, no 3433) of non Muslim women I’d say that Islam is at fault here and why shouldn’t we say so? Why must we listen to the likes of Starmer, Khan and other Islamophiliacs (our betters apparently) prattle on about Islamophia? An irrational fear? Anyone with the slightest amount of common sense knows to be fearful of Islam since if you criticise it you risk being murdered in the street. As an aside I’m interested to see how many high profile Muslims publicly take the side of the poor young girls in all this as well as criticise their religion. I don’t imagine it will be a high number. We should have paid attention to Christopher Hitchens: “resist it while you still can”. He was right, as usual. I fear it might be too late.
We should shout about this, constantly. And not allow anyone to swear oaths of allegiance on the Koran - which specifically allows any lying in the interests of furthering Islam as a faith.
Absolutely right.
Excellent piece of writing Paul. All absolutely shocking and all absolutely true. Listening to Starmer he managed to make my heart sink further than I thought possible. He seems to believe genuinely that the problem is us NOT the animals who gang raped and traded young white girls. He is happier accusing Tory MPs and white people like us than the sexually repressed, Muslim men largely of Pakistani origin.
Being inside the teaching profession when this was ongoing and seeing the absolute denial produced this piece! Thanks for your response. I've been told it's too extreme, but the issue is the extremity.
It can’t be too extreme if it’s true can it? None of us like reading about what’s happened and is probably still happening. These animals need to go to jail and be kicked out of the country.
Yes the issue is extreme and can't be soft-soaped!
I hope and pray that this will be the end for Starmer and his entire government and hopefully the death of Starmer I have always hated the Muslim religion and the shit it stands for.I think we should bring back the death penalty for these grooming gangs a rope is a lot cheaper than a prison sentence and they cannot escape and do it again.
Excellent article!
Thanks Alice! Written in anger and sheer frustration - especially the fictionalised sequence. Very little creative work touches this subject.
That’s a good way to write. I, after 20 years working for our government in the area of Child Protection, after rescuing children from muslim child rapists, rescuing Nigerian little girls from illegal FGM in a house, after tracking down pedophile rings for months then executing the plan to bring these monsters to justice. I wasn’t thanked for rescuing literally thousands of children, on the contrary I was spat on, physically assaulted, held hostage. By my bosses I was called racist more than once. I eventually resigned and have written a yet unpublished book I won’t be Silenced, about my experiences, knowledge of uk laws, our changing culture due to woke ideology policies.
Wow - well done for your work and you should feel proud. Good luck getting your book published and please let me know when you do - I'd love to read and review it!
Thank you! Much high praise coming from you, I genuinely appreciate it.
Alice - I am one of the ‘fellow travellers’ too. 35 years at the ‘sharp’ end of. Essentially my job is ‘tick the box - but ask no questions’ - if you do ask questions you will be hung out to dry on some ‘professional issue’ News headlines just feed the ‘manager grip’ “see what we will do to you if you dare question us”
Self-loathing. Narcissist projection. How did the entire importation of the third world even start. When did that become “a thing.”
Self-loathing white people.
If you imagine 10 squares , WHITE CULTURES represent 1 square WORLDWIDE
YET they tell us we need to diversify because we are one white square out of 9 others that are coloured differently.
Imagine telling South Africa they are too black so we need to bring in more whites 🤣🤣🤣
There would be a racist outcry.
More on the matter from this side of the brine:
Many thanks. It's an appalling blight and one which requires justice.
Why can't you PUSSIES ever learn!?