5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoLiked by PAUL SUTTON

The longest & best review/summation of Vice of Kings - which isn't actually saying much, as it hasn't really *been* reviewed as yet (barring a brief mention by Catherine Austin Fitts).

A personal anecdote that didn't make it into the book: my uncle, (Baron) Chris Haskins, took over Northern Foods when my father took time off to try and start a leftist tabloid papers (Mail on Sunday). Haskins then refused to let my father back in when the paper failed. He has since (via wikipedia, no doubt edited & monitored by his PR team) claimed he "foresaw the huge demand for good quality prepared meals, and turned the company into Northern Foods" In fact, Haskins was always subordinate to my father, the director, including during the period Northern Dairies became Northern Foods & began the packaged sandwich & meals phenomenon.

To be clear, I am not saying this is anything to boast about, only that Haskins clearly thinks it is, and that this somewhat reveals his character - vampirizing the reputation of a dead father-in-law.

Another anecdote: while I was working on the book in 2016, I was communicating with my cousin, who was in touch with Haskins. She asked him if he was aware of my project. He responded that he was, but that he didn't care: "No one will read it anyway."

This may give you some idea of how our elite managers think of us - even when we are their own family members.

(Perhaps belying this arrogant response, it was also during this period that my own wikipedia page was taken down, the only explanation given that - notwithstanding half a dozen published books - I was far too irrelevant a figure to merit a wiki entry.)

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I remember finding Haskins very annoying, when he was Blair's propagandist for the EU. He'd be on Radio 4, bemoaning how insular the Brits were plus how we needed to eat more fresh food - such as he bought regularly, in his local French market! The irony and hypocrisy was off the scale. I think there was a Spectator article, pointing out that he ran Iceland.

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7 hrs agoLiked by PAUL SUTTON

I have always found these ‘societies for improvement’ deeply sinister. Always involving wealthy do gooders, middle class champagne socialists and a huge band of perverts and god fearing types,weaved into the spiders webs these societies creat,manage and exploit. Time and time again revealed for what they ‘get up to’

In my experience people usually smeared for being ‘conspiracy theorist’, racist, sexist, thick, uneducated are the ones that were red pill takers all along.

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