Sep 23Liked by PAUL SUTTON

I’ve just looked John Haigh up! He really was!

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Very likable chap, according to all who encountered him (though not those who ended up in the acid bath).

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Sep 23Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Good one Paul very tongue in cheek.

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Sep 23Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Good one Paul I did'nt want to feel left out.

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Cheers Alan! I think I was wrong about Wales - there is a famous Welsh serial-killer. It's likely that 'Jack the Stripper' was in fact Harold Jones - the Abertillery killer.

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Sep 23Liked by PAUL SUTTON


Your mention of Shipman’s green gilet, along with the point about combined horror and absurdity, made me think about the sartorial aspects of all this. The common theme among the English ones seems to be extremely bad ties and reliably awful knitwear. But at least they have bothered to make some kind of effort. The American ones on the other hand look far more utilitarian and workmanlike - as I imagine the Russian cannibal ones do. You must be right about the class angle to all this. All things considered if I am to be murdered I’d rather the chap doing it was wearing a tie. Even one as terrible as the one Fred West is wearing in the famous picture of him and his hideous wife.

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All good points. And John Haigh was in fact dapper! OK Fred West looked like the Wurzels, but I've even seen Sutcliffe in a bow-tie.

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