Yes, consign postmodernism to the dustbin of history along with “the end of history” and its advocates!

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A nice reminder of all the very decent films from the nineties. Would you have thought differently about Mulholland Drive if you'd seen it at the time? I watched it maybe a decade ago and could only describe it as a mindf*ck, although I found it interesting and perhaps thought provoking. Not heard of Paris, Texas. But did enjoy the Master and Margarita.

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At the time, I think I'd have been more willing to swallow all the guff about it! And Lynch. He does brilliant scenes - but I never felt they added up. 'Blue Velvet' just about works.

I've always found surrealism a pain!

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Sep 15Liked by PAUL SUTTON

I liked the master &marguria when it was not off in opium surreal stuff- the best thing about it is ‘sympathy for the devil’

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Sep 15Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Mullholland is frankly 💩, the master & margarita, an opium fuelled pile of 💩. In fact I find anything recommended by ‘ critics’ is 💩

Avoid ‘critics’ WTF do they know, paid a fortune to talk ……💩

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