Jun 18Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Brilliant article, and exactly right.

‘The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change’? No thanks. Try to look through that nightmarish organisation’s website and not feel a rising horror at what the future might hold.

I hear on the grapevine they want him to take over from Schwab, which I suppose makes complete sense - if you’re them. The WEF led by someone not wearing an absurd futuristic costume and not speaking in a WW2 movie Nazi accent, oddly, might be more unnerving than it is now - more people might deem it a plausible organisation.

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Thanks - he's back (not that he went away)...

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Jun 22Liked by PAUL SUTTON

In 2016, the Chilcot Inquiry into the British role in the Iraq war revealed, among other things, that six months after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a consortium of Western banks led by JP Morgan extended a $2.5 billion loan to "help" Iraq's economic recovery.

The loan was guaranteed by Iraqi oil exports. It is worth keeping in mind that the money for such loans comes conjured out of thin air; a bank doesn't have to part with its own money to lend it to its borrowers. Instead, it has the legal privilege to create it at their discretion. If you or I usurped this privilege, we’d end up in prison. But the banks can conjure free money and lend it to their clients at interest.

From that moment forward, the loaned money becomes an asset on the bank's balance sheet, earning a handsome stream of revenues for its owners, creditors and executives. Of course, the money itself isn't doing any real magic: the real wealth for the bankers comes from the extraction and sale of Iraqi oil. The same is true for any other nation and any other natural resource under Western hegemony, and the hegemony’s ultimate purpose.

JPMorgan was also one of the biggest financial backers of the Bush/Cheney 2000 election campaign. At that time, nobody could have predicted that in 2001 we'd witness the 9/11 terror attacks which helped justify the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the attempted capture of their resources. The whole toxic brew was well in the works long before the events began to take place.

Incidentally, that same JP Morgan also richly rewarded Sir Tony Blair for his own inestimable contribution to making the 2003 Iraq invasion possible: after the end of his term as Britain's Prime Minister, JP Morgan hired him as an advisor on a $5 million/year contract.

[Credit to whoever I copied this from]

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Thanks! Blair's role in Iraq - and his bullshit justifications - makes the skin crawl. I always feel he gets away with it because the entire establishment was corrupted by him, so that they can hardly then condemn him. The scale of his crimes is staggering.

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Follow the money straight to George Soros who 'bought' the Climate Change Act 2008 from Tony Blair with the promise of future riches. Blair was working for Soros from May 2 1997.

Tony Blair met with George Soros for private talks at the New York Plaza Hotel on April 10 1996 and later sold to Soros and his consortiums extremely valuable British state assets in cut price sweetheart deals in 2000 (750 government buildings) and 2003 (Qinetiq via private equity fund Carlyle which employed John Major where George Soros was the star private buy out client) and provided the laws and policies Soros desired. Including the Climate Change Act 2008.

New Labor Environment Minister 2006-2007 David Miliband was the architect of the Climate Change Act 2008 which Soros wanted and David Miliband was subsequently awarded the highly lucrative CEO position in a New York charity supported with “hefty donations” by Soros. Tony Blair received many years of highly lucrative consultancy work from Soros. David Cameron who supported the Climate Change Act and whose Conservative Party mainly voted for it, subsequently received a directorship of a Soros financed organization.

The first chairman of the Climate Change Committee was Soros' employee, Lord Adair Turner, appointed by Soros' friend Gordon Brown whom Soros congratulated for solving the global financial crisis at a meeting of the G20 in 2009. Turner was appointed chairman of Soros’ Institute for New Economic Thinking and subsequently chairman of the global Energy Transitions Commission. This means that George Soros' employee, Lord Adair Turner, has been managing the green energy demands of Soros' Climate Change Act almost continuously since 2008. This is exactly what one would expect as Soros bought the legislation...

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Jun 18Liked by PAUL SUTTON

I totally agree with you Paul the most galling thing is that this turd is still alive he should have died at birth.

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