Sep 11Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Great article and I couldn’t agree more. There are holes in my literary knowledge I’m embarrassed to admit and I’m grateful for the recommendations in there.

Among other things, I hate this government. And I hate the petty, vindictive and trivial nature of the control they are subjecting us to. I hate them more each day it seems. But I’m not allowed to apparently, yet they are allowed to hate white men. How does this work exactly?

On the strength of your article I shall re-watch ‘Get Carter’ tonight. They’ll probably try and ban that soon enough. Do you remember when that idiot David Alton MP tried to ban home viewing of all 18 certificate films. He’d be a prime candidate for your Phrenopunchology article I reckon. A joyless twat. It’s interesting to think though whether he’d succeed in that today; cigarettes, next alcohol no doubt, then films with nasty people in - it probably makes some kind of sense in their crazed authoritarian, art hating minds.

In addition to your film list may I give an honourable mention to ‘The Searchers’, ‘Unforgiven’ and ‘Dirty Harry’ (1971 too of course). Since they no longer make any good films I shall console myself with my extensive home collection. Yes that’s right, fuck you David Alton, I hate you too.

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Thanks for reading.

The Searchers was my father's favourite film! Of course, it is partly the inspiration behind Taxi Driver. I agree about Unforgiven and Dirty Harry - especially the latter.

David Alton is a blockhead!

My film-watching is erratic! I've only just seen 'Paris, Texas' - another film inspired by The Searchers (and with a central character called Travis). Wonderful visual poetry but overlong!

Are you a fan?

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Sep 11Liked by PAUL SUTTON

It’s a wonderful film isn’t it? One they’d never make today. I remember watching it with my own father. I’m glad you like the three I listed too. Particularly ‘Dirty Harry’, a perfect film.

Blockhead! A better word! More civil than my own. He certainly is that. He’d fit right in today.

I saw ‘Paris, Texas’ a long, long time ago, and haven’t ever re-watched it. I must do that. And I’d completely forgotten (if I ever knew!) that it had taken inspiration from ‘The Searchers’.

Films have been incredibly important to me as far back as I can remember. I despair at the state of modern cinema, I’ve given up on it really. I have tried to build a good library of my own and spend much time in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, hiding away from our modern world.

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Another classic I saw for the first time is the Jack Nicolson film 'The Passenger' - very good.

I love French cinema too - especially the heist films!

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I’ve never seen it! I’d better correct that!

Yes agreed! I know they are our natural enemy as Englishmen but they have made some wonderful films haven’t they? ‘Le Samourai’ is one of my favourites.

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I just watched another of his films - The Red Circle. Excellent - it's the flow they get right;

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Sep 11Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Yes! One of the greatest actor and director partnerships.

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But it's OK to hate the Russians and the Chinese - and so much so that we must all be prepared, at the word of politicians responsible for drafting our new hate laws, to war with them and die "for our country".

Beam me up, Scottie!

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This is the paradox - nobody hates like a liberal hates!

'Tory scum' etc.

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Do you think they will ban Marmite adverts? I love the stuff, but anyone hating the brackish black gloop could face being banged up. Just saying.

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You may hate my lower brow reference to the homophone of Rimbaud in Rambo but it is like a longform of Kung Fu with David Caradine of a man who says leave me alone and isn’t it is antithetical to socialism to leave a man alone but has to delve down to an attempt at totalitarian control of the mind the correct response is to hate this inclination - there are none more filled with hate than the Woke - they are only reactionary with nothing positive to say about anything - conservatism is a non-ideology of love, love of country, place and countrymen. It is the only solution by incorporation of the redemptive power of Christianity to the discourse as it recognises sin whilst ameliorating where humans err - Woke is without redemption and the original sin is breathing and Whiteness - immutable traits for which there is no forgiveness

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Far from hating it, I think I've read that the character of Rambo was a conscious homophone!

I agree about Christianity (though I'm an atheist). By accepting human nature as fallen, it is human in essence. Utopianism is the great enemy! People always matter more than ideas.

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What an insightful piece. I've also been thinking about emotions and the way they're being manipulated. My jury's a bit out on whether hate is a useful emotion - anger certainly is - but whatever the case, external restrictions are not the answer. Inner work, ideally on a mass scale, may be - and could lead us into new and beautiful territory.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author

Thanks. Whether hate is 'useful' or not, it certainly exists, as an emotion! Not least amongst those who claim to 'be kind'!

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Quite agree - for now, it's very much part of the human experience and suppression never works.

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