Maybe the powers-that-be see the working class as having no use anymore: an inconvience, an embarrassment, a drain on society. What if the elites are pondering, 'how can we replace this trash with something better?'

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That thinking goes back to Fabianism. Many of its proponents believed in Eugenics, literally breeding a more compliant 'worker class'. The remnant of that idea is still with the likes of Starmer.

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Sep 7Liked by PAUL SUTTON

I’ve have always thought the ‘Fibian society’ - note deliberate use of ‘fib’ not ‘fab’- deeply sinister ,a ‘retro’ version of the WEF types.

Yet again the well heeled middle class! What is it with them!

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The problem is them - they are the very worst people to run society.

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Sep 6Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Off point a tad- but I’ve been following how many have been charged and up in front of the beak- so far +\- 900. Kneelalot has now beaten Judge Jeffrey’s Bloody assises (six) 700 plebs to the gallows.

Rodney must really be proud of himself- I wonder how many 12 yr old Jeffrey’s convicted- Kneelalot is excelling with that 9 so far - what a guy😬

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Just back from the pub, where the consensus is: Keir Starmer is a shithead. One bloke said: 'I'd like his bollocks on a shovel and then whack.'

Somewhat crude, but without a doubt justified.

Maybe it could be an Olympic sport - nad cracking?

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The middle-class fear of the working classes has been around forever. Interestingly, the middle-classes haven't the same fear of exotic foreigners. My theory is because the middle-class person is merely a few paychecks away from sinking into the lower class whereas nothing on earth can turn them into an Asian, Black, Islamist or whatever. Therefore, the white working class is a terrifying mob seen in a distorted mirror but the exotic foreigner is excitingly interesting, glamourous and worthy of cultivating. My very rich, posh, well-educated sister-in-law calls the working classes at airports "Earwigs" (as in Ere We Go). She once volunteered at the Citizen's Advice Centre but quickly gave up when she realised it was all "ghastly poor people and their silly little money worries". She never knew she was basically describing my parents!

As to the punitive punishments - luckily we're not living in Barnaby Rudge else they'd be hanging them all!

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Yes, I was reminded of the Gordon Riots and Barnaby Rudge. That horrible justice - Starmer would have been watching with glee.

Great point about exotic foreigners and fear.

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Sep 6Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Again sorry- don’t all the ‘guilty pleaders’ know they are going down anyway(Kneel gets off on it) , there is no way that our wonderful state will ‘ let them off’ you’ve got rape and kill for that. and anything served on ‘remand’ (for pleading not guilty) will be knocked off a sentence anyway, and it will cost ‘the state’ a fortune and fill jails for the state to pay for . Well used tax payers money ……….

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I think that's not made clear to them - plus they'll have the idea of a shorter sentence for pleading guilty.

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Sep 6Liked by PAUL SUTTON

What I’ve also found VERY interesting is all of them seem to be pleading guilty!!! Why on earth would you plead guilty to ‘riot’ for chucking a few eggs or kicking a plod (Greggs) van- smelling fishy to me

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Old Bill fooled them!

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Sep 7Liked by PAUL SUTTON

Yes- they can’t seem to use them as ‘cannon fodder ‘ anymore. War tends to be ‘virtual’ or missile based. All the heavy industry has been ‘outsourced’ so can’t get them shovelling coal all day’ , all ‘traditional’ working class jobs covered much more cheaply by the endless supply of incoming labour- so what indeed to do with them………. Ahhha- lock ‘em up ya- at least it stop them breeding………..

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Sep 6Liked by PAUL SUTTON

the next crusade will be fought at home

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